Swissmem Academy General conditions
Contact Person  Swissmem Academy Swissmem Academy
+41 52 260 54 54 +41 52 260 54 54

General conditions


Terms of payment for course fees / teaching materials and in-house training courses

The payment period is 30 days and the invoice amount is to be paid without discount. The costs are exclusive of VAT. Folders and working materials, unless otherwise stated, are included in the course fee. Additional accommodation and catering costs, also for courses in hotels, are to be borne by the participants.
Invoices for in-house training courses are issued after the service has been rendered, or quarterly in the case of longer-term assignments. Expenses for media rental, special materials, travel, meals and overnight stays will be invoiced according to actual costs.

For courses lasting 10 days or more, payment by instalments can be arranged in exceptional cases, in consultation with our Office Management Team. The course fee can be paid in max. 4 monthly instalments, whereby the first instalment is due before the start of the course. We charge a flat fee of CHF 200 for additional expenses, which is due with the first instalment. The last instalment is always due before the end of the course.

Data protection

The Swissmem Academy is entitled to process participants' personal data (such as surname, first name, address, e-mail, etc.) within the framework of the present contractual relationship and in compliance with the legal provisions. The recording of images and video material during courses is only permitted with the express consent of the Swissmem Academy. Participants agree that the Swissmem Academy may use picture and video material taken during courses for further training and advertising purposes (for example on the website, in social media and print media, advertising flyers, etc.) free of charge. In addition, we refer to Swissmem's privacy policy.


Participants are responsible for taking out accident and liability insurance. The Swissmem Academy accepts no liability for stolen or damaged items.

Appeals body

Anyone who believes that his or her rights have been violated by an order or decision of a trainer or education manager is entitled to file an appeal or complaint with the appeal body. The Academy management is responsible for appeals against decisions of the trainer or education manager, the advisory board is responsible for appeals against decisions of the management. The appeal or complaint must contain the following points:

  •     Which decision is being contested?
  •     What application does the appellant himself or herself make in the matter in question?
  •     How is the application justified?

As a rule, the appellants are entitled to inspect the files upon prior notification. The evidence on which the appellants rely must be precisely described and, as far as possible, enclosed. The contested decision must also be enclosed. The appeal must be submitted by registered letter within 30 days.

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Specific for seminars and courses


Registration must be made in writing. By registering, the participant accepts the validity of the Swissmem Academy GTC. The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 16 for all courses, unless otherwise stated. The registration deadline is set individually for each course. Registrations will be considered in the order in which they are received and confirmed in writing. The contract between the participant and the Swissmem Academy comes into effect with the written confirmation. We will be happy to provide information on available training places.


Participants will receive the course confirmation or invitation and the invoice at the latest 7 days before the course starts. If a course cannot be held due to lack of registrations, the registered persons will be informed at least one week before the course starts. In this case, any payments already made will be refunded in full. Further claims for compensation are excluded.

Deregistration, cancellation and rebooking

Withdrawal from a course involves administrative effort. The following regulation applies:

  • Up to four weeks before the start of the course, CHF 200.- will be charged for a cancellation. If the course fee is less than CHF 200, the corresponding course fee amount will be charged.
  • From four weeks to one week before the start of the course, 70% of the course fees will be charged for cancellations or rebookings.
  • In the event of cancellation at short notice, rebooking or non-attendance at the course as well as course cancellation, the entire course costs as well as any additional costs for accommodation (external accommodation) will be invoiced.
  • The company has the option of registering a substitute participant free of charge.

Cancellations will only be accepted in writing. A full refund of the course fee is only possible in exceptional cases; a possible claim will be examined upon written request.

Course confirmations, passes and certificates

Attendance of at least 90% is required to receive a course confirmation, unless otherwise stated for the respective course.

Obtaining the Swissmem certificate or federally recognised qualifications is subject to special requirements and conditions which can be found in the announcement of the respective courses. If the required minimum attendance time is not reached, participants will receive a confirmation of attendance for the course days/content attended.
Participants in a company-specific offer receive a confirmation from the Swissmem Academy for active participation in the company-specific continuing education. Seminars that largely correspond to those offered at the Swissmem Academy can also be credited as modules for corresponding certificate qualifications.

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Specific for inhouse-training

Placing an order

In a preliminary discussion, the needs of the client company are clarified and a tailor-made concept is developed, which is submitted to the client company in writing together with an offer. The order comes into effect with the written confirmation of the client company.
For more complex company-specific preparations and preliminary discussions, the actual hours spent will be charged. Consultancy mandates and coaching are charged by the hour according to the time spent, travel time is charged at half the hourly rate.


In the event of cancellation of company-specific orders, the costs incurred up to the date of cancellation will be due. In the case of cancellations less than 30 days before the agreed event, the entire fees are due. In the event of a postponement, only the actual costs incurred will be charged.

Accommodation and meals for company-specific offers

For company-specific seminars and workshops, we organise suitable training rooms and catering facilities at our premises or in seminar hotels by arrangement. The course rooms of the Swissmem Academy are offered at reduced rates in connection with company-specific events. The costs for hotel accommodation and catering are charged directly to the ordering company by the hotels/restaurants.

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General Information


For courses lasting at least one week, we are happy to provide contact addresses for private accommodation. The cost per week is approximately CHF 140, depending on the provider, excluding meals.

For courses lasting less than a week, we recommend staying in a hotel room. Price approx. CHF 150.- per day. Addresses in the vicinity can be found at


Participants can eat in nearby restaurants.

Travel for courses in Winterthur

Participants will receive directions for their journey with the invitation. If possible, public transport should be used. The bus stop is in the immediate vicinity of the Swissmem Academy (bus no. 1 from the main railway station in the direction of Töss to the "Loki" stop).


The parking spaces in front of the building must be kept free for suppliers, visitors or speakers.
Car drivers are best advised to use the nearby Lokwerk multi-storey car park (200m walking distance).


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Swissmem Academy
+41 52 260 54 54 +41 52 260 54 54 E-Mail

Last update: 18.02.2021